Note:-The requisites of spiritual practice mentioned mentioned in this song are exactly like those of the ಭಗವದ್ಗೀತಾ ಬಾಹ್ಯ ಪರಿಕರ: tions. External associa- ದೃಷ್ಟಿ-ಮನ-ಪವನ-ಬೆರಸಿ: Intertwin- ing of mind, breath and sight. (5) 5: (i) Thing-in-itself-phi- losophically (ii) Unity of appe- rception-psychologically (iii) Spiriton-atomic form of God (iv) Any form it assumes- mystically. ನಿಜ ನಿರ್ವಿಕಲ್ಪ:- It is reality without any modification. ಎಳೆಯಾದ ಮುತ್ತಿನಂತೆ:- Like a string | ನೆಲೆಯಿಲ್ಲ: Foundationless, none of pearls. cf. ಮೋತಿಯಾಚೀ ಜಾಳಿ-ಜ್ಞಾನೇಶ್ವರ. ವಿದ್ರುಮ ಬಳ್ಳಿ :- Cylindrical bodies in which there are insects. When they are deep down in the sea, they are solid, but when they come near the surface, they begin to grow like plants, and we creepers of those corals. Do Flame of fire. ದೀಪದುರಿ - - get cf. ಆಗೋರ್ಜ್ವಲನ್ ! -ಉಪನಿಷತ್ | o: Flash of lightning. can fathom its depth. ಚಿದ್ಧನದೀಪ:- It is a veritable lamp with spiritual lustre. Note: It is not like the conscience or divine lamp about which Martineau and Butler have spoken. Their lamp is merely metaphysical while this mystical or spiritual. is ಭಾವಿಕ ಬಲ್ಲನು ಇದರ ಹೊಯಿಲಾ:- Its secret or nature can be un derstood only by those who have Bhava-deep devotion. ಪಳಕು ಕೊಡದೊಳು ದೀಪದ ತೆರದಿ: Like | ಜೀವನ್ಮುಕ್ತಿಗಿದೆ ಮೂಲ: It is the root a lamp in a marble or crystal, pitcher. Note:- ಪಳಕ, ಪಟಿಕ or ಸ್ಪಟಿಕ, It is both marble and crystal, opaque and transparent. While we are Sadhakas we are marbles, while we are Saints we are crystals, while men of the world are like stones. dark ಪ್ರಾಣಲಿಂಗ ಆತ್ಮಲಿಂಗ: When it shines in the body the light bursts out of the eyes and it takes the form of Gurusiddha. of all liberation while alive. Vision of God constitutes ಜೀವನ್ಮುಕ್ತಿ. (4) ಮೂರು ನದಿಯ ನಟ ನಡುವೆ:- ಇಡಾ, ಪಿಂಗಳಾ and ಸುಷುಮ್ಮಾ, In the confluence of these rivers. ಆರು ಮನಿಯ ದಾಟಬೇಕು: We must rise through the six stations viz. Cakras, plexuses. ನಾಲ್ಕು ದಾರಿ:- ಶೃಂಗಾಟಕ, cf, ನಾಲ್ಕು ಹಾದಿಯ ನಡುವೆ, ವೇದಿಕೆ ಯೊಳು ಕುಳಿತು 1 040
ಪುಟ:ಕನ್ನಡ ಪರಮಾರ್ಥ ಸೋಪಾನ.pdf/೧೫೧
ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.