ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

94 PÀ«gÁdaÀiÁUÀð satisfies the metre) for ̈ÁgÀzÉ (which is the corrupt reading apparently corrected by a copyist), vÀqÉzÁ£ï for vÀqÉzÀ£ï. These especially the negative forms of the verb, are taken even by the author of Kavirajamarga as errors, and as objectionable, when really the negative froms were the older froms found in inscriptions and nearer the Tamil froms which still persist to our own days. The oldler forms in the accusative is noted by kesiraja : Sutra 118 example : vÀ£ÀvÀÄÛ © ̄Áè£ÀzÀ£ÀAvÉ Qà ̧ÀÄaÀA. (Nripatunga himself in II-15, 16, 17, 362, See also II - 104, p 54) (362 ¥ÀzÀå ̧ÀASÉå vÀ¥ÁàV CZÁÑVgÀÄaÀ oÁUÉ PÁtÄvÀÛzÉ. G1⁄2zÀaÀÅ aÀÄzÀgÁ ̧ÀÄ aÀÄÄzÀætzÀ°ègÀÄaÀAvÉ - ̧ÀA.) A Curious trace of this is preserved in Kesiraja: Sutra 61, Parishad pp. 48-49. §UÉaÉÇ qÀ«Ä¤1¤1gÀ CzÉ, EgÀ CzÉÃ, EgÁzÉ, EgÀzÉ, (Q.J.M.S., Vol. XXIII New Series no. 3; p. 439) (I-128£ÉAiÀÄ ¥ÀzÀå ̧ÀA§AzsÀaÁV £ÀaÀÄ ä n¥ÀàtÂAiÀÄ £ÀÄ ß £ÉÆÃr : F ¥ÀzÀå UËgÀaÀzÉÆÃμÀPÉÌ GzÁoÀgÀuÉAiÀiÁVgÀzÉ, ¤daÁV ®WÀÄzÉÆÃμÀPÉÌ GzÁoÀgÀuÉ JA§ £ÀaÀÄ ä HoÉ ̧ÀjAiÀi ÁVgÀÄ aÀ ¥ÀPÀëPÉÌ ¢ÃWÀð DPÁgÀaÀ£ÀÄ ß1⁄4Àî ¤μÉÃzsÁ vÀäPÀ ( ̈ÁgÁzÉ EvÁå¢) QæAiÀiÁgÀÆ¥ÀUÀ1⁄4ÀÄ PÀ«gÁdaÀiÁUÀðPÁgÀ¤UÀÆ ̧ÀaÀÄ ävÀaÉAzÁUÀÄ vÀÛzÉ. - ̧ÀA)

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