ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

OPINIONS ON The Life & Teachings of Buddha. Price (s. 4. H. H. The Maharaja of Mysore, G.C.S.I. NR. 13. AsılATTILANARAYANA RA», 15, Balepet, Bangalore City. I anı directed to acknowledge, with tlhanks, the receipt of the two copies of your “Life and Teachings of 1 Buddha" forwarded with your application of the 2nd March, 1908, for the acceptance of His Highness the Maharaja. 2. The Mysore Gazette, Dated 30-4-08. Notification 1). No. 44, dated 24th April, 1908“Life and Teachings of Buddha," by 15. svattahanarayana Rao, priced I annas, is recommended as a prize-book for l'ernacular and Anglo-l'ernacular Schools in the State. 3. Mrs. Annie Besant, President, Theosophical Society. l'ork done in the spirit of sympathy and helpfulness is exceedingly good and you have already the favourable opinions of more competent kanarese Scholars. IV'ıshing you all success in your efforts to introduce Theosophy into Kanarese Literature. 4. Mr. K. P. Puttanna Chetty, Councillor, Mysore State. Mr. Aswattha Narayana Rao has done a real service to the cause of True Religion by expounding the life and Teachings of Buddha in simple and chaste kanarese. Much misapprehension exists in this country regarding this great religious reformer and Saint of India and if the little brochure helps in howerer small a degree in restoring him to his proper place in the spiritual firmament of our imotherland, it will have served its purpose. The author has succeeded this by reciting in parallel columns the quotations from the Upanishads and the Dharına pada.