ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

iv Parvata, call on him and compliment him upon his good fortune and the prosperity of his subjects. The king, in thanking them, incidentally mentions that notwithstanding all that happiness, his mind was not quite free from anxiety as his daughter had grown up and he had not yet been able to find a suitable husband for her in spite of his best efforts. Just then a courier comes and invites the king to attend the closing ceremonies of Vara Lakshmi Vrata inaugurated by his daughter with a view to obtain a worthy husband. The king invites the two Rishis also to accompany hini and they all leave for the place. ACT III--In the pleasure garden of King Ambarisha Manmatha is lying in wait making plans to avenge the gross inself offered him by Narada, He sees in the visit of the Rishi to Ambarisha, an opportunity to entangle him in love affairs and therely bring disgrace upon his high spiritual greatness. In the pleasure garden attached to the inner palace Princess Srimati, attended by her parents, friends and maids is seen performing the Vrata with due formalities. The two Rishis take a leisurely walk in the pleasure garden and feeling enchanted by its beauty become overtaken by an unaccountable and hitherto unknown desire for pleasures of family life. Immediately on reaching the place of worship they feel quite charmed by the transcendental beauty of Srimati and fall in love with her. On an opportunity occurring, Narada asks the king for his daughter's hand, and on the king promising to give him a definite reply the next day, leaves the place. This favourable opportunity Parvata seizes to make the same proposal to the queen. The royal couple is an a dilemma and is afraid of offend