ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

CARNATACA LANGUAGE. 119 Twenty-five nouns of this class, viz. Hart the act of prostrating, gauro the act of wandering, datiro the act of erjoying, o atmo the act of stepping, Tas the act of going, wo T alaro the act of joining, eva Tatra the act of beginning, eve hatto the act of departing, 3610 the act of chousing, 9612 the act of putting on, 60 g nro the act of depriving, opo 110 the act of bearing, M, Duro the act of recollecting, the act of hustening, pro the act of grieving, Jom the art of moring about, and the act of being born, ava Jihe act of binding, 7 J the act of relating, JLH the act of fighting, at in the act of churning, won the act of stringing pearls, &c. 00 01 the act of crossing, Joonto the act of filling up, and & the act of digesting, tak?, optionally, the affixes naru or rzaunu; as సమసు or సమయసు prostrate. And the following six nouns, viz. Gwart ihe act of calling, anjarojot and 83 avi mo the act of writing a commentary, at the act of contem· plating, åpaI the act of sewing, and now the act of stringing pearls, &c. become roots, by the addition of ranu, without suffering the loss of their final syllable. The Hindoostanee verbal nouns on the act of coinmanding, Quez nd the act of plundering, audad tie act of burning, Dond the act of turning, w oond the act of changing, and many others, belong also to this class; and are converted into roots by cutting off the final syllable, and adding the atiis nariu. CLASS THE SECOND Thirty-five Sanscrit verbal nouns, of the class termed quxoð, viz. FUX. the act of enjoying, as so the act of imagining, Jua the act of loving, ata ñ the act of exceeding, tox tre act of colouring, what the act of eating, and Digitized by Google