ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

CANNÁTACA LANGUAGE. 133 Verbal nouns are formed by adding to the roots of all verbs the allikes evas W W , or Euro; as variawa w, Turris Wu, or turi are the act of dancing, Jawa WJiaw, or via to the act of protecting, czy awa www.raya, or nagaismo the act of descending, nazwa w ody was w, or podpůvo.o the act of sceing, w Bawow, WBw, or wpairsma the act of writing The roots a turó bend, forró dance, 23 a tie, nu a fear, na say, es a crew, aw a contract, eo cut, zo-stab, awo break, wa beat, cut, cl.a catch, da burst, JB beat, äris roar, wunder, fimake hollow, eux? wash a cloth, 38 leup, 28 rub, $3 abuse, and e903 wander, become nouns by the addition of ð; as auriš the act of bending, Curio the act of dancing, 298 the act of tying. Roots terminating in the syllables ను, లు, రు or mu, and the roots యూసు govern, wapo live, er uplough, eu cry, wsçvfall, Farezú be concealed under the ground, I uraise, çu wear, u throw into a holy fire, nog A precede, కౌజు take, and దా సు or go split, become nouns by cutting off the final vowel, and adding the affix 7, or ngo; as fuse or åso the act of sneezing, awon or avow the act of spinning, isos por 8890% the act of thinking, avoma or avoröf the act of deterring, Evoy or Evog's the act of governing, &c. The following are the exceptions to this rule. of ..produce young ones. Ger..................the act of producing young రిస్ను ....eat. darw.................. the act of eating. @ Jş @w.resemble. 0758%or Oduor the act of resembling. No cu ...borrow. NOW......................the act of borrowing: Nou......form friendship. No, ...................the act of forming friend [ship. Lones. Digitized by Google