ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

A GRAMMAR OF THE OP TIE ELISION, INSERTION, AND PERMUTATION OF LETTERS. In all the studied compositions of Southern India, euphony of language is much attended to; and the rules for the clision, insertion, and permutation of letters, are oumerous, and, in some degree, perplexing to the European Studeat. It is absolutely necessary, however, that in each dialect they should be acquired; for without this knowledge, no perfect acquaintance with any one of those languages can ever be attained. 'The general permutation of letters, which is occasioned by the junction of words with their affixes, or of one word with another, is in Sanscrit and Carpáțaca termed NO 9. The elision of letters is more particularly expressed by the word soos daly; the insertion of letters by the word evox as a ; and the exchange or substitution of one letter for another by the term Evo 35 g All words in the modern dialect of the Carnáțaca language which possess a meaning, terminate in oue or other of the following vowels, cara opera en Jets I S E or Ev; and words that merely imitate a sound, hare their terminations in ota o and 8. Words commence with either vowels or consonants ; but much more frequently with the latter. In the ancient dialect, however, words termipate in the foregoing vowels, and also in the following consotiants, fro a esc5 05 auds RULE 1st. When a word terminates in the letter e, and the next affix or word comniences with a rowel, the terminating always suffers elision. EXAMPLES. · aupe two to learned men ; OJEDYO W they; and the dy muassa y as great uncle ; awoe de wowood they made; 23 Orgias o paint; sabah googão fill up; OJ ao devoavalusao danao Digitized by Google