ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

CARNÁTACA LANGUAGE. 19 When a pure Carnáțaca word ending in Es is followed by an affix or word commencing with a vowel, they are joined together by the insertion of a between them. EXAMPLE googtes ou gods at ouito wet.. If a word ending in & and imitating ang sound, is followed by a word commencing with a rowel, they are joined together either by the insertion of య్ or S. EXAMPLE estes do m uy solo mo or Boysboy having said "jó". EXCEPTIONS TOʻRULE st, 20 AND 3d. When a word ending in a vowel is followed by a word commencing with Bu tus or sh, saodhi does not take place. EXAMPLES waatau satu the improvement of a moonie ; evo sutis Too that letter rú; a mano To my letter lü ; rzadQuios this is a debh. But when the words eo that, of this, wat all, are followed by a word commencing with gut, the initial vowel of the subsequent word is clranged into hు. EXAMPLES. భూమి రువులూరురువు that season ; ఈ మిషి ఈ రుషి this rusht; Jeg egunot su aguimos qu-all the debts: When nouns in the vocative case, interjections terminating in a vowel, the particles with the exception of %, and words terminating in long vowels, are followed by a word commencing with a vowel, the antecedent and thic subsequent are not joined together, Digitized by Google