ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

46 A GRAMMAR OF THE flaw. 1. no atondo ...to Bato ad o........by daughters-in-law. D. N aton 0........ng Bato a g........10 daughters-in-law. Ab. Nos batono 3 lavorinty at baba.ro ofrom daughters-inG. N ato a ..........ito avon .....of daughters-in-law." L. sto rato song.....nto Batonbozsef...in daughters-in-law. ritos avond.......nto Batonor....? latang Batono d......nto Mato nooo..! v. mintoj atoa 8....... Noh Batoa s....... 7 latos ato .........nts Baton 8 ......d daughters-in-law ! OF NOUNS' OF QUALITY, In the Carnáțaca language there are no words that, strictly speaking, can be termed adjectives. When a noun of quality has been deprived of it's final affix, and precedes a noun, it then appears to be an adjective, but it is not so in reality; the word being incomplete, as will be shewn in the chapter in which compound words are treated of. . Nouns of quality terminate in a crude state in the vowels , ng, er, and S, and also in the syllables Tw or ev; and the same form represents the peuter, as er breadın ; Kup sourness ; wo go tocrookedness; a wetness ; 70 W a black thing; ay év a good thing. . Nouns of quality terminating in the vowels abovementioned, cannot be rendered masculine or feminine by any change of form; but those ending in w and do, are susceptible of such change. When nouns of quality terminating in my are rendered masculine or feminine, the final syllable w is changed into e), and the letters 5 or Fare inserted before the afixes of the cases, in order to denote the gender. In the plural, the insertion of es, or entes, is required. nas Digitized by Google