ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.
MYSORE ARdLffiOLOGTCAL SERIES BAtiQAl EPI6RAPHIA CARNATICA VOL IX INSCRIPTIONS IN THE BANGALORE DISTRICT »««»« tgt ©fttif 2dbnVj30& ^3^©CK 3e)tf£rfot> h3h3 °° BT B. LEWIS R!CE, c. i. e., m. r. a. s, lAtte Director sfPuhlic Instruction in Mysore and Coorg : Eonorary Fcllow ofthe University of Madrtv Director of Arctusologica] Researches in Myscre % a tt p U x t : Mtsore G-oternment Centeal Press, 1905 On Sale oy tJie Curator, Government Book Depot, Bair/ilorc.