ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

14 enthusiasm characteristic of him in respect of the developmental activities of the University and those relating to Kannada. 1 remember him with whole hearted gratitude. Success in schemes of this type largely depends on the colleagues who share the responsibility. It is dilEcult to secure the services of experts in such technical subjects as Epigraphy. Fortu- nately, this scheme of the revision and re-print of Epigraphia Camatica has been able to enlist the services of experts and competent scholars in the field. I am extremely happy about it. Sri M. Hanumantha Rao began his work on this scheme in the capacity of an Assistant Epigraphist. He was formerly the Assistant Director in the Departmcnt of Archseology, Government of Mysore, where he has spent many years of his life amidst inscriptions. Two of the young schoiars, Sri H. M. Nagaraja Rao and Sri Sitaram Jagirdar, have joined us as Epigraphical Assis- tants. Only very recently could we seciire the services of Dr. B. R. Gopal as an Epigraphist. Dr. Gopal has served in the Epigraphical Branch of the Archxological Survey of India and the Karnatak University for several years. He has published several books and articles and has also edited volumes of inscriptions. With the assistance of these scholars, I am confidenl that the scheme could be completed during the next four or five years. Most of the work relating to the present volume has been done by Sri Hanumantha Rao. He has finally revised the texts and has prepared the notes. He had prepared the first drafts of the introduction and the translations, which have been revised and given a final shape by Dr. Gopal. All these colleagues have shared this responsibility with great faith and pride. I am sure that their sincerity, devotion and industriousness will be duly appreciated by the Kannadigas. I aiways feel happy to refer to them. I once again thank all those who have directly or indirectly participated in this great endeavour.* Institute of Kannada Studies, Mysore H. M. Nayak August 1, 1972 Director

  • Translated from original Kannada by Sri Pradhan Gurudatta